Monday, February 03, 2014

Traditional Criminal Defense Plus Crime & Treatment

Occasionally, I get to do something with Florida Criminal Law that brings me total joy: filming for one of my video projects.

My mother was an educator so it must come from her. In a little over an hour, I will begin filming the most detailed explanation of Crime & Treatment ever recorded.

As many of you know, this journey actually began in 1991 when I began using Diagnostic Evaluations in a rather nontraditional manner. Back in the day, the only time someone was evaluated was if 1) the lawyer couldn't even hold a rational conversation with someone because they were so mentally ill that they were incompetent, or; 2) the person was in the category often described as "I think I am Jesus."

However, it became apparent to me very early on that many people were sane, but simply unable to make good decisions despite knowing about the damaging life consequences of their behavior. Most of my colleagues, the prosecutors, the courts, probation and others simply dismissed people who repeatedly get into trouble, violate probation, etc. with labels.

"Loser" was a common label, and along with all of the others, there was this complete belief system filled with preachy judgment, and to put it bluntly, cruelty. I cannot tell you the number of times someone would use intensely judgmental language about criminal behavior, yet when questioned about their beliefs and conclusions, this person would sometimes get angry when the logical flaws in their thinking were laid bare.

They not only did not "get it," they didn't want to. They were so invested in believing nonsense, that they could not even conceive that their conclusions and beliefs were not accurate. Thus the educational process began.

Today, society still has quite a few moments where getting it is elusive, but today I get to spend a couple of hours out of my busy day educating people about the key role of brain health when it comes to solving the problem of crime, one person at a time.

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